

Professor Varese speaks about the `ndrangheta for SkyNews

Not the End of the Story: : Professor Federico Varese speaks on capture of mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro, 19.01.2023


**Nuovo libro** La Russia in quattro criminali, pubblicato il 25 ottobre!

Intervento agli Stati Generali della Cannabis, Milano, 09.07.2022 [Da Radio Radicale]

Putin e la democrazia in Ucraina. Intervista a Federico Varese. La Voce di New York, 03.03.2022

***Job Opportunity** Post Doctoral Fellow in SNA to study networks of production and distribution of sub-standard medicines, 10.02.2022


21st Century Mafia: How the ’Ndrangheta became the scourge of Italy… and beyond, by Ed Vulliamy, with an Interview with Federico Varese, The New European, 02.12.2021

***Job Opportunity***Postdoctoral Fellow in the Economics of Organized Crime

***Job Opportunity*** Research Assistant, Department of Sociology, with a focus on the UK

***Job Opportunity** Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology, with a focus on Russia

Professor Federico Varese appointed new Head of Department, Oxford, 01/07/2021

“What makes a Resistance hero?” new book by Rutger Bregman discusses work by Federico Varese, Financial Times, 06.05.2021

Federico Varese, Professor of Criminology, awarded major European Research Council Advanced Grant, Department of Sociology, 22.04.2021

The maxi-trail against the `ndrangheta. Interviews. 01.2021


John Le Carré e il criminologo italiano, storia di un’amicizia, Repubblica, 15.12.2020

John le Carré

Spiriti mafiosi. Recensione di Vita di mafia di Furio Colombo, Il Fatto Quotidiano, 24/08/2020

ExLegi Seminar Series 1 May – Don’t Ask about The Pinkie! Doing Fieldwork with the Yakuza, Martina Baradel, Birkbeck College, University of London


Mercoledì 15 aprile, alle 18,30, web talk di Federico Varese, professore di Criminologia a Oxford, autore di Vita di Mafia conosciuto a livello internazionale per i suoi studi sui  fenomeni mafiosi. Coordinerà l’incontro Flavio Romani.

Mafia distributes food to Italy’s struggling residents, The Guardian, 10/04/2020

Their clubhouses are closed, travel is out and gambling has dried up. How COVID-19 is changing organized crime in the GTA, Toronto Star, 08/04/2020

L’economia criminale del post-emergenza Covid-19, IRPI, 06/04/2020

The coronavirus crisis is crippling Italy – but what about the Mafia? DPA, 30/03/2020

Crime & Quarantine: How the Pandemic is Squeezing Italian Crime Groups, OCCRP, 24/03/2020

Mafia, nessuno è costretto, lo fai solo perché ti conviene, Verona In, 21/03/2020

Como se tornar líder numa prisão de Lisboa via Skype, Expresso, 04/01/2020


Intervista sulla criminalità a Ferrara, Radio Web Giardino, 19/12/2019 

Edizione Corriere della Sera di Vita di mafia da oggi in edicola e online, 17/12/2019

Salvator Mundi’ and the limits of certainty by Tim Harford, FT, 6/12/2019

Tim Harford discusses the controversy over the attribution off the Salvator Mundi and my take on the issue.

<<Yet as the criminologist Federico Varese points out, it is curious that we insist on a binary distinction. We feel powerfully that the painting is either an autograph Leonardo, or it is not. As a matter of logic that may be true, but as a matter of practicality we do not know and we will never know. There is some evidence of Leonardo’s involvement, but the evidence is circumstantial. We are relying heavily on intuition — albeit the intuition of people with deep expertise. Regrettably but unsurprisingly, the experts differ.>>

Chi sono i “Money mules”? Ascolta intervista a Federico Varese, Radio Cosmo Colonia, 05.12.2019

Federico Varese racconta la dimensione nazionale e internazionale delle mafie

La dimensione internazionale delle mafie è il titolo della Lectio Magistralis che Federico Varese, docente di Criminologia presso l’Università di Oxford, ha tenuto a Urbino giovedì 14 novembre, nell’Aula Magna di Palazzo Battiferri.
Al termine della conferenza, Uniamo ha intervistato il Professor Varese approfondendo il tema delle mafie italiane. Per il video, clicca qui.

Does the Italian Mafia Play a Role in the Cannabis Trade? by Danielle Guercio, Civilized

“Oxford University criminologist and mafia expert Federico Varese thinks the Italian American mafia may have little to do with the massive cannabis market today.He has authored three books on the mafia that do more than chronicle their criminal powers — they humanize mafiosi so that we may dismantle their influence, rather than see them as mythical.” Read more here 

The resilience of the Russian mafia: An empirical study      

 18 November 2019, 12:15 (Monday, 6th week, Michaelmas 2019) Lecture Theatre, Department of Sociology, Oxford

I will be giving a Lectio Magistralis at the University of Urbino: “La dimensione internazionaledelle mafie”. Urbino, 14 November 2014.

Friday Nov 15, I will speak with Hajara Haruna Yusuf, prosecutor from Nigera, on: “International cooperation in the fight against organized crime: the experience of Nigeria and Italy”. Ferrara, Faculty of Law, Nov 15, 3 pm.

Review of Mafia Life in El Economista, Mexico, 7 November, 2019

Interesa hablar de Mafia Life. Amor, muerte y dinero en el corazón del crimen organizado (Ed. Malpaso, 2017), del italiano Federico Varese, porque el libro tiene el potencial de ser muy leído en México.

“On September 16th-17th the Department of Sociology, Oxford will be co-hosting a conference on ‘Exploring Links between Crime and Terrorism’ with ExLegi at @SociologyOxford and @ICSR_Centre at KCL
. Speakers include @federico_varese, @AlderdiceLord, @Dr_E_Kendall & @PeterRNeumann

El libro definitivo de la mafia en los tiempos de la globalización. Una investigación de toda una vida en la que construye una imagen única de la la mafia desde el interior.

“Follow the Paintings” documentary and Debate. 20 September, 2019, 19:00 – 20:30. Auditorium del MAXXI , Rome.

Intervengono: Guido Maria Brera dirigente aziendale e scrittore; Federico Cafiero De Raho Procuratore Nazionale Antimafia; Federico Varese criminologo e accademico

Hong Kong protests: Were triads involved in the attacks? Interview with BBC News, 22/07/2019

Prof Varese said Sunday’s attack appeared to be a “carbon copy of what happened in 2014”, although the attacks appeared to be “more serious” this time since passersby were also attacked.

As velhas famílias da máfia estão de volta a casa. Interview with Sapo, Portugal, on the recent arrests in Sicily, 23/07/2019.

Uma operação conjunta das autoridades italianas e norte-americanas deteve 19 pessoas ligadas à máfia na passada semana. “Têm contactos em Nova Iorque e a partir daí na América Latina. É isso que preocupa”, disse o criminólogo Federico Varese.